Hot flash, cold cash: how a once-respected women's

Hot flash, cold cash: how a once-respected women's LAST APRIL, SEVERAL HUNDRED BLACK-TIE and couture-clad worthies crowded into the ornate ballroom of the

Teach your patients well - automated education tools

Teach your patients well - automated education tools With automated education tools clinicians can give patients the information they need to

COPD in 2001 : a major challenge for medicine, the

COPD in 2001 : a major challenge for medicine, the COPD is currently the sixth leading cause of death and the 12th leading cause of morbidity

Acceptable analytical

Acceptable analytical This article, based on material from a 2003 PhRMA workshop on acceptable analytical

Hobbies and Interests

Astronomy Guide
Our astronomy guide is your portal to amateur astronomy where you can learn about planets, constellations, telescopes and more.

Flowers are a heartfelt, natural way to lift our spirits. Learn how to grow and care for tropical flowers, annuals, perennials, exotic flowers and more.

Scuba Diving
Scuba diving opens up an adventure that's unimaginable for those with land legs. Discover the wonders that lie beneath the water's surface! Discover scuba diving!

Read about the basics of Astrology and how they are inter-related.

Baby Gifts
There are many occasions to buy baby gifts: a newborn in the family, a friend having a child, a holiday or party to celebrate. Whatever the occasion, find tips on how to find the perfect baby gift.

Christmas Shopping
Does hearing the terms Christmas shopping make you cringe and feel stressed out? Find tips and articles here to help make your Christmas shopping a breeze!

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